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The Horsham Refugee Support Group is the only charity of its kind in the Horsham area. It is a secular organisation run entirely by volunteers with a Christian Chair and predominantly Christian core team.
We were originally set up in 2015 to help refugees settle in Horsham and respond to their needs, primarily offering friendship and practical support. Our families come from Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Albania and Uganda.
Since the start of 2023 we have expanded our work to support asylum seekers arriving in the Horsham area. We have offered regular English classes for beginners and advanced speakers, run holiday activities, a sewing group and have helped set up allotment cultivation in the grounds of their accommodation. We have tried to respond to requests for clothing, footwear, reading glasses and books.
We trust that one day we will no longer be needed but in the meantime remain committed to doing what we can using the resources we have.
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35
More information is available on the website and on Facebook
The St Mark’s mission partner champion for Horsham Refugee Support Group is Chris Aldridge, who can be contacted via the church office.

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