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Governance is a term used to describe the trustees’ role in:

  • overseeing the long-term direction of the charity, including its objectives or purposes 
  • implementing policies and activities to achieve objectives
  • complying with legal requirements 
  • being accountable to those with an interest or 'stake' in the charity.

Good governance should happen throughout a charity. The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is ultimately responsible for our governance, but it relies on many different people to be able to govern well: staff, volunteers, advisors and stakeholders.

Our policies underpin and enable good governance, ranging from safeguarding to finance, computer & data security to food, health & safety to press-handling and security to human resources ... and many more! If you wish to see any of our policies, please contact the church office.

You can view our annual reports, accounts, a list of current trustees and other information on the Charity Commission website (opens in new tab) - search for charity number 1174914. 

Several of our key financial and administrative policies are owned and implemented by our finance team, whose members are:

Rob Allen
Martin Bone (stewardship recorder)
Connor Carey
Jackie Gwilliam (cash team)
Linda Humble
Mike Parry (treasurer and finance team leader)
Karen Petch (bookkeeper)

All volunteer in their finance role; Rob, Connor, Linda and Mike are PCC members i.e. trustees of the charity. 

Across the team, we have broad experience gained through working for and/or with charities, banks, businesses and HM Revenue & Customs. The PCC is accountable to the Diocese of Chichester and the Charity Commission for the sound financial management of the church’s assets and the control of its income and expenditure, with day-to-day responsibility delegated to the treasurer and the finance team.

Holbrook PCC is registered as a charity with the Charity Commission - number 1174914.
Our Independent Examiner is Morris Palmer Ltd (opens in new tab).

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