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We hold a variety of services to suit all ages and tastes throughout the week, which you can read more about further down this page.

Services have now returned to normal, with congregational singing and refreshments served after our 10:30am service.

Our Sunday morning services will continue to be live-streamed for anyone unable to join us in person yet. You can find them on our YouTube channel.

8:30am Traditional Holy Communion with hymns 

A weekly service of Holy Communion with formal structure, using liturgy, hymns and organ music from the Church of England tradition.

10:30am Contemporary Morning Worship 

An informal service with a mix of traditional and contemporary music, led by our music group, with a flexible structure, in-depth Bible teaching and Holy Communion once a month. Partway through the service, our younger members have the opportunity to leave and take part in age-appropriate children's and youth groups, to learn and grow in their faith in creative and energetic ways.

All Sundays are Morning Worship, with the exception of the 3rd Sunday of the month which are services with Holy Communion. All-age services take place during the school holidays. Refreshments are normally available after the service.

7:00pm Café Praise (1st and 3rd Sundays)

An informal evening service which takes place on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month except August and December. The café opens at 6:45pm with hot drinks, cakes and biscuits. The service begins at 7:00pm and lasts approximately an hour. Music is modern in style, prayer is informal and there is a talk on a Biblical text with a relevant theme for living in 21st Century Britain. The atmosphere is relaxed with a warm welcome for everyone. We sit around tables in a contemporary café atmosphere.

Planning your Visit