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Electoral Roll

Most years, an existing electoral roll is revised, but every six years the Church Representation Rules require that an entirely new roll must be created and everyone must apply again to be included on it. 2025 is one of those years where a new roll must be prepared.

Joining the Electoral Roll opens up the way for greater involvement in the life of the Church. You become entitled to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) for, among other things, those who will represent you on the Parochial Church Council (PCC) which meets six times a year at St Mark’s.

It provides an indication of the real membership and strength of the Church, primarily locally but also nationally and internationally.
Putting your name on the roll is an important statement of witness; a step along the path of discipleship; a way of saying ‘I belong’ and it is an act of commitment to the church family at St Mark’s as we all seek to play our part in ‘knowing Christ and making Him known’.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask Rod Kitchin, our Electoral Roll officer, or Tim Stilwell, our vicar.

Anyone can be on the electoral roll who is baptised and aged 16 or over provided they;
  • are a member of the Church of England and resident in the parish;
  • are a member of the Church of England and, not being resident in the parish, have habitually attended public worship in the parish during the previous six months;
  •  are a member of a church not in communion with the Church of England which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and have also habitually attended public worship in this parish during the previous six months. (Note that the word 'parish' here means ecclesiastical parish.)
To find out whether you live in the Parish of Holbrook check the parish boundary.
  • You can download an application form which needs to be completed, signed and returned to the church office.
  • You can apply online. Online applications will be automatically sent to the Electoral Roll Officer
  • If you wish your name to be removed from the electoral roll, please send an email to the Electoral Roll Officer ( requesting removal.
You do not have to be on the electoral roll in order to worship at St Mark's but we encourage everyone to play an active part in our worshipping community.

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