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IMG 0484-2

Help from the Foodbank

If you are in need of help, please visit the Foodbank website where you can find out how to obtain a voucher.  Details of the different foodbank locations in the town are also listed there.

Donations to the Foodbank

We have crates at the back of church and in the church hall where donations of food and toiletries for the Horsham Foodbank can be left; please ensure all items are in their original packaging, unopened and in date These will be collected on a regular basis and delivered to Horsham Matters ready for distribution. The Foodbank welcomes donations of all (in-date) non-perishable food items and toiletries. Please check the Foodbank website for their current urgent needs.

Horsham District Foodbank is based at Horsham Matters and part of the Trussell Trust Network which gives food and support to people in crisis. Over 90% of the food distributed by Foodbanks is donated by the public; that’s why food donations are absolutely vital to enable Horsham Foodbank to give everyone referred to them a balanced and nutritious three-day supply of food. 

Food donations have dropped significantly so if you are able to support them by adding an extra item or two to your shopping, and donating it to the crates they will be very grateful. Thank you.


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