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The Lighthouse

Youth and Children’s Work

The Lighthouse rev Jul 24 rev

In the same way that a lighthouse light clearly shows the way, Jesus described himself as the ‘light of the world’ (John 8:12 NIV) and ‘the true light that gives light to everyone…’ (John 1:9 NIV). We seek to reveal His light to the children within our Sunday morning groups so that they too will discover Jesus and have lives which shine for Him.

We have groups for different ages during our 10:30am Sunday morning services in school term times and you can read more detail by clicking on the links below: In addition, Mini-Marks meets weekly on a Thursday in term time. Please click here for more info.

If you have any questions or require further information please contact:
Mandy Leddin, our Children's and Families Worker (re children up to year 6)
Karen Petch, our Youth Worker (re young people year 7 and above)
or the church office.

All leaders and volunteers are DBS checked in line with Diocesan safer recruitment policies and procedures and have received safeguarding training. For further information please refer to our safeguarding page.

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