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If you wish to make a one-off gift, there are three online options:

Donate via internet banking to Holbrook PCC, sort code 60-11-17, account number 23271167.
Click here (opens in new tab) or scan this QR code to donate via Give a Little.

Click here (opens in new tab) or scan this QR code to give via the PGS website.

Holbrook St Mark QRPGS

If you wish to give regularly to the work of St Mark’s, please speak to our treasurer Mike Parry or contact him by email. We are now registered with the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), and it is easy (and paper-free!) to set up a direct debit and make a gift aid declaration. Most of the church’s income comes from the generous and sacrificial giving of its congregations. Giving financially is not in any way a requirement for those who attend St Mark’s, but we are grateful for the generous and committed giving from a wide range of people which allows the church to serve its community and support other charities.

Individuals can give in church by contactless card or payment device, cash or cheque; they can give remotely by standing order, give as you earn, charity cheque, direct debit or bank transfer, either regularly or as a one-off. We encourage people to increase the value of their gift to the church through the Gift Aid scheme, which for eligible taxpayers adds 25p to each £1 given.

Giving forms for standing orders are available for download and printing at home below:

Planning your Visit