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Tearfund is a Christian charity which partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries in an endeavour to lift many millions out of extreme poverty.

Tearfund has three main priorities:

  • Reaching out to people surviving disasters through humanitarian aid;
  • Enabling churches around the world to work with people to escape extreme poverty;
  • Campaigning for justice for the poorest of the poor.

St Mark's financial support is allocated to the Tearfund ‘Under-reported Disasters Fund’. Most disasters never make the news in the same way as floods, cyclones or civil war and consequently don’t attract finance through appeals on websites and in the media. The reality is that when disasters strike, churches and Christian organisations in the developing world turn to Tearfund for guidance and help. St Mark's funding helps people survive these generally unreported disasters. People who experience practical compassion through Christians helping them when disaster strikes so often want to know more and turn to the church because of its faithful witness. Paul wrote in Galatians 2 v10 “we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I [Paul] was eager to do”.

Below are three points to use in your prayers:
  • Pray for all those impacted by the climate crisis through diminished harvests and erratic rainfall.
  • Pray for Afghanistan and Yemen, that the poorest would receive enough.
  • Pray for Tearfund, that wise decisions would be made by leadership regarding the allocation of resources when needs seem endless.

Tearfund works with a Christian movement called Renew Our World. They have produced a short text called Making a World of Difference looking at the biblical teachings and how they can help us face the climate crisis.  It includes stories of the church living out its calling through action across the world.

The St Mark’s mission partner champion for Tearfund is Adrian Hawthorn, who can be contacted via the church office.
St Mark's also supports Tearfund through the Toilet Twinning Programme.

Tearfund, UK Registered Charity: 265464 | website

Tearfund Feb22

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