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FITP logo (large) with Reg Cha

The Flyers International Partnership Trust supports the social, educational and outreach work of partners in Moldova. Their main partner is a Non-Governmental Organisation called AO Neemia, based in the northern village of Cobani, which is typical of small, subsistence communities in the country. Neemia has set up a community centre from which it operates many projects, including providing hot meals to elderly people, donating resources to poor families as well as running social and educational groups for children and young people.
Click here to watch a short video of the work going on in Cobani.

Victor on the job

Rob & Jo Allen from our congregation have been key workers with the Trust for many years and have made dozens of visits to Moldova. They are heading out again at the end of June 2024 with Olly Tucker to visit Cobani and help organise a children’s day club as part of Neemia’s summer programme.

There will be an opportunity before the trip to contribute to supporting Neemia’s work and there will be updates before, during and after the trip.

For further information visit the Trust’s website or e-mail

Planning your Visit