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Faith In Action

Faith in Action (FIA) works in partnership with churches throughout East Africa, such as Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Malawi, Rwanda, Mozambique and Zambia. Its current focus is with the FIA Church which is based in Blantyre, Malawi. Since June 1987, this has grown from an initial 50 churches just in Malawi, to about 1,000 churches to date in Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia.

The work of FIA has changed and developed over the last 36 years. The current focus is to support the work of the FIA church in the following ways:

  • To provide Christian resources such as Bibles and Bible studies in locally spoken languages.
  • To provide funds for a variety of development projects, including wells and irrigation systems.
  • To have a ministry in prisons. Work has been done in nine prisons to date, providing funds for a banquet meal as well as Bibles and Bible studies. Many inmates have received salvation.
  • To create a ministry into a rubbish dump on the outskirts of Blantyre, where 350 people live, searching for items to sell. The ministry provides loans for groups of five people to set up businesses that will enable them to leave the dump for good.
  • To provide funds for the purchase of goats, which are given to foster families who have taken in orphaned children, in order to provide an income for them.
  • To provide funds for health projects, such as mosquito nets or bicycle ambulances for taking people to hospital.

The St Mark’s mission partner champion for Faith in Action is Frances Fry, who can be contacted via the church office.

Faith in Action UK Registered Charity: 293961 | website

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