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The Children’s Society is a national charity that works with the country's most vulnerable children and young people.

The society’s aims are to fight child poverty and neglect, helping all children to have a better chance in life. They state: "We listen. We support. We act. Because no child should feel alone." Details of projects can be found on their website.

Each year St Mark's holds a Christingle service in support of their work.

One way of supporting The Children's Society is to have a home box to collect spare change. Some £2 million is raised by the charity each year from these boxes. Giving your change can help make lives better for thousands of children who are neglected, live in poverty or in fear of violence or exploitation. If you are interested in having a box please contact us.

The St Mark’s mission partner champions for The Children's Society are Eddie and Jackie Parsons who can be contacted via the church office.

The Children’s Society, UK Registered Charity: 221124 | website

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