Recycle at St Mark's
We have a recycling cupboard in church, you can drop items off on Sunday and Tuesday mornings, or whenever the church is open. The outside Sussex Green Living recycling bins are accessible any time.
Please use the labelled baskets in the church for the following:
Ballpoint pens, felt tips, biros, correction fluid, glue sticks, markers and highlighters (for Sussex Green Living)
Bible reading notes
Bras (for Against Breast Cancer)
Candle stubs and tea light remnants (for new candles/metal recycling)
Clean plastic milk bottle tops (for Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice)
Corks (for Eden project)
Greetings cards (for new cards, for sale in church)
Hearing aids (for Starkey Hearing Foundation)
Inkjet and inktank cartridges (for Horsham Community Responders)
Mobile phones and cases (for Sussex Green Living)
Postage stamps (for MS Society)
Postcards (for Mission Aviation Fellowship)
Reading, prescription and sun glasses
Recycle these soft plastics with carrier bags at supermarkets:
Film lids; sweet and chocolate wrappers, fresh and frozen fruit, salad, vegetable, cereal, dried food and clothing bags; Fridge Raiders, pet, baby, sauce and microwaveable food pouches; clingfilm; bubble wrap; multipack, flower, nappy, sanitary, toilet and kitchen roll wrappers.
Use the outside bins by the shed to recycle:
Located behind the shed, by the church car park, for recycling with Sussex Green Living.
Large bin – Crisp and snacks, empty flattened packets
Crisps, nuts, pretzels, popcorn, biscuit, rice cake, cracker and cake wrappers, Pringles tubes, Ferrero Rocha plastic boxes, trays and wrappers
Small bin – only these items please
Bread, crumpet and wrap bags, closure tags and bakery plastic packaging, Warburtons wax wrap (no other brands wax wrap)
Cheese wrappers, pouches, Babybel wax, mini cheese nets and labels
Coffee and Tea flexible packaging
Food storage containers, reusable water bottles and lids
Home cleaning and laundry - flexible laundry, dishwasher and cleaning product packaging, plastic bottle caps, trigger heads, pumps, air fresheners and cartridges
Gloves - disposable latex, vinyl, nitrile and polyethylene gloves, Marigold gloves and packaging
Inkjet cartridges
Pens, glue sticks, felt tips, biros, correction fluid, markers and highlighters
Personal Care and Beauty - trigger heads and pumps, caps, tubes, pots, lipsticks, lip balms, lip gloss, eyeshadows and mascara, refill pouches: Aussie, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essences and Pantene
Plastic milk bottle tops with number 2, 02, 4 or 04 in triangle
Toothbrushes, electric and battery toothbrush heads, floss sticks and containers, daily contact lenses and packaging
Council recycling and more information: