Urgent Prayer for the Climate Emergency
Lord, Your purpose was for mankind to look after the animals and plants of this world. This reveals your character as we are made in your image.
Sovereign Lord, how majestic is your name and all you have made is very good.
We acknowledge you as Creator, Ruler, Provider and Sustainer. We look forward to your re-establishing perfection.
Our neighbours made in your image around the world are suffering because of climate change.
O Lord we confess that we have not been good stewards of your creation, and so we face multiple climate emergencies, particularly affecting the poor and needy.
We pray Lord that the voices of those already affected by droughts, famines, wildfires and floods will be heard, hearts softened, ears and minds opened to the changes that are needed.
Please forgive us for our part in the death of your planet and by your mercy please revive it.
Dearest Father, Consider the threats to this beautiful world. Grant this world the boldness to act. Stretch out your hand and perform your miracles on our governments.
Lord, please show the world leaders the way to an authentic response to this climate emergency and show us how to make a difference in our community.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Café Praise: 7th Nov 2021